Instructor agreement for Three Days in Estes Park

Instructor Requirements, Agreement and contract for Rachel Bruce and Troy Vancil for Three Days in Estes Park.

Class Location

YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado

Class dates: May 17 - 19, 2023


Instructors Rachel Bruce and Troy Vancil are paid each the sum of $2200.00 with a minimum of 10 registered students. In the event there are not 10 registered students as of April 2, a decision will be made on whether to cancel retreat. Payments will be made online through PayPal by May 22, 2023. If a check is preferred payment, a cashier check will be sent postmarked and insured by May 24, 2023 to instructor(s) less $25 fee. 

The parties agree as follows:

Instructor shall comply with Federal and State environmental and safety laws regarding the use and disposal of paints, solvent and/or other chemicals during your class, coordinating the use and disposal with your students and the Retreat.  Faux Retreat will deduct from the amount owed to the instructor for any damage caused to the classroom or its property or its clients and staff by improper or inadequate use, disposal, protection or clean up.

We “Faux Retreat” will have floors and tables covered. You are responsible for class products, most of which you should be able to get donated.

In the event of claim, suit, loss, damage or injury pertaining to your class to which this indemnification agreement applies, the undersigned agrees to pay for the defense of Faux Retreat/KB Events and their officers, agents and employees against such claim, suit, loss, damage or injury, such defense to be provided by counsel of the Faux Retreat/KB Events.



Application for lectures


Instructor agreement for 2024