Instagram for Artists
A Marketing Workshop for Muralists, Plasterers, Wallpaper Designers, and Decorative Wall Finishers
Thursday 6pm September 28
HOT business class!
Class description: Is Instagram driving you crazy with its reels, rules, and algorithms? Wondering what to post and how often to post? Wish you could post without wanting to throw your very-expensive-phone at a very-brick-wall? If you feel like you “should” be on Instagram and “should” be doing it better, then this hands-on workshop is for you! In just two hours you’ll map out a less-but-better marketing strategy with a laser-focused action plan for what you need to post and when, and feel as inspired to share your art as you are to create it! Seriously, if you’re going to be on Instagram let’s make sure the platform actually does your art biz some good and isn’t a waste of your time. You’ve got art to create, after all!
Required by students: Just you, your smiling face and a laptop!
Rebecca West
Presented by Interior Designer and author Rebecca West, a Seriously Happy™ business coach to interior designers and interior renovation artists like you! Featured in Bustle, Success Magazine, and The London Times, she teaches you how to help your clients make quick confident decisions so they can avoid #decisionfatigue and you can have happy, profitable projects!
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